October 29, 2021 1 min read
Accumulative Axle Weighing is designed for applications where the scale platform (sometimes a purpose-built axle scale) is not large enough for all of a vehicle’s axles. The weighing process brings the first axle on the scale, enter all required data, then pressing “Next Axle”. The driver then moves forward bringing the next axle or axle set on the scale and the operator presses either “Next Axle” or, if there are no more axles to be weighed, “Finish”. Gross and Tare weights will comprise the sum of the inbound and outbound axle weights. Scale Tickets will show Gross, Tare, and Net Weights, Net Tons and the inbound and outbound individual axle weights.
Each physical scale will have its own weight window on the tool bar, and each physical scale can be used to weight vehicles individually. Virtual scales, showing the summed weight of two or more physical scales will also be displayed in the tool bar. Multiple virtual scales can be defined, allowing, for example, one to sum all platforms, and another to sum only two platforms.
Scale Tickets will show Gross, Tare and Net Weights, Net Tons and the inbound and outbound individual weights of each scale platform. Depending on the number of physical scales, ScaleQ’s Multiple-Platform Axle Weighing functions can provide significant flexibility to your operations.
Note that multi-draft weighments may not be considered a legal-for-trade transaction in certain jurisdictions.
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