Weighing made easy with ILS ScaleQ accounting integration.
Invoice Printing and Tracking Module permits generation and printing of formatted invoices without the need for time consuming and error prone manual entry of data from scale tickets. Transaction data is derived directly from the ILS ScaleQ database.
ILS invoicing lets you send invoices more quickly start the payment clock without pulling accounting personnel from other tasks until the actual receivables process begins upon receipt of payment, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of your administrative operations.
The module permits printing of invoices for selected Customers on Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly and Monthly Billing Periods. Different customers may be assigned different billing periods within the ScaleQ Customer File, and invoices may be run as a batch or individually. The ScaleQ database will maintain history of each invoice and the tickets included therein. Reports may be designed to track tickets by Customer and Invoice, Invoices, by Customer, and more.
Your invoices design can be as simple as a detailed list of transactions, or sub-totaled by Job and/or Material. Invoices can detail quantities, prices, taxes and fees, according to your requirements.
Invoices will be formatted with detailed header showing your company name, address and, if desired, company logo. The header will contain your customer’s name and address formatted for mailing in a window envelope, as well as Invoice #, Invoice Date, and other information as per your preferences. Invoice total amount, payment due date, terms, and other information can be included in the invoice footer.
Invoices can be sent to printers or be generated as individual, PDF-formatted files, and may optionally delivered automatically to Customers via e-mail. Pre-invoicing reports can be generated to permit review for accuracy prior to initiating the formal invoicing run.
Integration with your Accounts Receivable software is optionally available. ILS has integrated ScaleQ Invoicing with QuickBooks, Solomon, Sage, and other popular accounting packages. A/R integration eliminates the need to transcribe data from scale tickets, reports, or invoices into another database, saving time and money, and eliminating the potential for inaccurate data entry. ILS staff will consult with your accounting personnel, as well as with technical support for your accounting software to determine your requirements and the capabilities that your system offers for third-party integration.
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