October 16, 2018 2 min read
ILS provides silo loadout control systems to improve the speed, accuracy and efficiency of bulk material operations. Silo Loadout Control may be interfaced with either motor truck platform scales or weigh hopper scales. Our scale system software provides visual graphic displays indicating gate, silo, hopper and load status. The ScaleQ silo loadout control connects with your existing gate controls or operations to control silo and weigh hopper discharge gates. ScaleQ can be interfaced with belt scales and bin-level indicators to monitor silo inventory.
Loadout Weighing
An empty truck enters the yard for loading and boards the scale. The operator enters the Truck Number in the window presented by the ILS Scale System. The operator may bring up a list of all trucks in the system from which he may select. He/She then either hits Enter or clicks on "OK". If a Radio Frequency Identification System is in use the RF Reader scans the truck’s RF ID tag, selects the scale and enters the Truck Number automatically.
The operator is presented with a facsimile ticket which includes all data which is either assigned within the Truck Record or corresponds with the truck’s last visit, including Customer, Job, Material and Requested Net Weight. Data may be changed at this time. When the operator accepts the transaction data, the Scale System will begin the loading cycle by opening the discharge gates. Increasing weights and a graphical representation of the truck being loaded will be displayed on the screen. Upon completion of weighing a ticket will be printed and the vehicle may proceed.
Two-pass Weighing
Vehicles which will be loaded off of the scale rather than from the overhead silo will board the scale as described above. The operator will enter all data, however will leave the Requested Net Weight at zero. The truck’s empty weight will be captured and a partial transaction consisting of Truck Code, Job Code, Time, Date and Inbound Weight will be posted to the Yard File. The truck will then proceed into the facility for remote loading.
After loading, the truck returns to the scale. The operator selects the vehicle by entering it’s Truck Code or simply clicking on the record in the Yard List. The inbound transaction record is recalled and the outbound weight is derived from the scale. The operator accepts the data, the ticket is printed and the transaction is posted to the Transaction File.
We offer a broad range of software and hardware designed to simplify and expedite your scale house operations. Designed for safety yet fast and simple. Improve accuracy and efficiency of bulk material loading operations and provide operators with clear, intuitive graphic displays. We develop silo loadout control systems to meet your specific requirements.
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