We Are Here And Ready To Help

April 06, 2020 1 min read

Our support team is here and ready to help. 

We're in this together COVID-19

We know that these are challenging times and you are trying to carry on as normal as possible. We want to personally reassure you that our commitment to service is as strong as ever.Interface Logic Systems has been designated as an essential infrastructure company and will remain in operation to support your scale system. We are committed to provide continued support to our clients.

To protect your employees and our own, we have increased safety measures with our staff to prevent transmission.

  1. We are following CDC guidelines on preventing the spread of the virus. ILS is checking the temperature of each employee daily as they arrive at work. We are encouraging frequent handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer as well as sanitizing our work areas.
  2. The ability to provide support by telephone and remote logon allows us to diagnose and resolve many questions without travel or direct exposure.
  3. We are asking all employees to limit direct contact with other employees and customers and maintain 6ft of separation when possible.
  4. Any ILS employee who exhibits symptoms associated with COVID-19 will stay home for the appropriate 14-day quarantine period or until cleared per CDC guidelines.

Our number one priority is doing our part and taking responsibility to respond to Coronavirus – COVID-19 and following the advice from government officials. We promise you we are looking after your best interest during this time. Safety is a priority. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are in this together.

From all of us at Interface Logic Systems

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