January 14, 2021 2 min read

COVID-19 scale ticketing solutions for social distancing. 

Scale Ticketing Kiosk

In response to concerns raised by our customers in light of the current Covid 19 emergency, Interface Logic Systems has introduced several new technologies designed to minimize physical interaction between scale house personnel and drivers, providing the effective social distancing recommended by public health officials. All of these solutions are readily adaptable to any ScaleQ 2.0 application.

  • REMOTE TICKET PRINTING - Scale-side High-Speed, Direct Thermal Printers, enclosed in rugged, weather-resistant enclosures, deliver tickets to drivers without any physical interaction between driver and scale operator. The number of tickets to be printed is defined within ScaleQ and can be customized by Customer and Job for efficiency and waste reduction.
  • DIGITAL SIGNATURE CAPTURE - Scale-side Digital Signature Capture Pads are designed for installation adjacent to the scale to permit drivers to sign without leaving their vehicles. The signature pad features a powered pen technology and is protected against damage and abrasion. Signatures are stored in the ScaleQ database and will be re-printed with all original tickets. Operator signatures may also be maintained on file and printed on thickets, eliminating direct interaction between driver and scale operator.
  • PDF TICKETING - ILS will add a PDF Ticket Printer option to ScaleQ. Each completed ticket will generate a discrete PDF formatted scale ticket. Tickets are stored on the ScaleQ PC, and each ticket filename contains the Ticket # for ease of retrieval. PDF tickets can be filed by Customer, Customer/Job, Date, or otherwise as your needs demand. Date specific repositories are also available. PDF Tickets may be selected and transferred via your network, removable drive, attached to e-mails, using your e-mail client. The use of PDF Ticketing can improve efficiency, reduce storage requirements, and significantly reduce printing, handling and postage costs.
  • e-TICKETING - Interface Logic System’s e-Ticketing utility allows for real time delivery of scale ticket via e-mail. A field for e-mail address will be included in the ScaleQ Customer record (or elsewhere, depending on your requirements). Upon completion of each transaction, the PDF ticket, identified by Ticket #, will be attached to a ticket and sent to the designate address. Optionally, e-mail tickets can be configured for the Truck File, enabling the e-mailing of tickets to Drives or Haulers. E-Ticketing provides your customers with up-to-date records on all transactions, and vastly reduce ticket storage requirements, while ensuring a true contactless experience.
  • INTERCOMS - ILS offers Audio/Video Intercoms to permit contactless interaction between drivers and scale operators. Intercom Kits feature a desktop station and one or more remote stations, each equipped with a 7” color LCD display, and built-in omni-directional microphone and speaker. Remote stations can be integrated into new or existing ILS Remote Data Terminal or Remote Ticket Printer enclosures, or supplied with weather-resistant, stand-alone enclosures. Intercoms communicate via TCP.IP Ethernet connectivity and feature Power-Over-Ethernet, eliminating the need for remote power.

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